45300 N. Baptist Rd.

Hammond, LA 70401

(225) 567-2350

Mon - Fri: 7:30-4:00


Preparing youth today for a better tomorrow!

Quad YouthBuild

Preparing youth today for a better tomorrow!

What We Do

Quad YouthBuild is a comprehensive workforce development program for out-of-school, unemployed, low-income youth aged 16-24. Quad YouthBuild improves the community and the lives of opportunity youth by harnessing their potential and putting them to work. QYB integrates work experience with education, occupational skills development in construction and other career pathways, support services, leadership development, and alumni success. QYB provides wraparound services to ensure that youth are given the skills to succeed and be self-sufficient in everyday life!

Our Perspective

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Our Services

What We Are All About

High School Diploma

Education is a key component of Quad YouthBuild. At Quad YouthBuild, young adults spend roughly half of their time advancing their formal education goals. These can include: working toward their high school diploma or its equivalent, numeracy and literacy skill-building, and hands-on learning, focused on livelihood preparation. In supportive, individualized learning environments, they gain the skills and obtain the certifications or credentials needed to pursue a diverse range of careers and livelihoods, apprenticeships, and postsecondary education.

Construction, Healthcare, and Hospitality Occupational Training

Youth receive occupational training in the construction trade. They may also receive occupational training in healthcare and/or hospitality. This allows participants to develop basic occupational skills with practical hands-on experience building affordable housing while earning industry-recognized certifications. On the job training is a key to successful occupational skills training and participants spend many hours doing on the job training. They also learn and refine soft skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and adaptability.

Community Service

Youth in Quad YouthBuild build affordable housing for low-income or homeless individuals, providing a valuable and visible commodity in the community and meeting a community need. Youth are co-enrolled into AmeriCorps where they can earn an education award that can be used for post-secondary opportunities.

Leadership Development & Life Skills Counseling

Leadership development is implemented into all areas of the program through various activities and service learning projects that encourage leadership, post-secondary exploration, career exploration, and service learning. Youth also share in governance of the program through an elected policy counsel.
Youth participate in life planning processes and counseling that assist them in achieving goals that will establish a productive life. Youth develop the skillsets and mindsets required to grow into community leaders. They learn that leadership, accountability, collaboration, diversity, and love hold the power to reclaim lives and communities, one person and one project at a time. They help change the conditions of poverty through civic engagement and community service.

Career Exploration & Training

Career and college exploration and planning are the program culture at Quad YouthBuild. Career exploration and planning are ongoing and include assessing the participants' strengths and interests, life plans, job-seeking skills, and general workforce skills preparation on how one should behave on the worksite. Participants in Quad YouthBuild are encouraged from day one to explore post-secondary options through college tours, guest speakers, financial aid assistance, interest inventories, introduction to college life courses, and simply talking about college as an attainable goal.

Alumni Success

Quad YouthBuild teaches young people the skills needed for professional success and lifelong learning. They develop the skillsets and mindsets needed to become truly employable, including market-relevant technical skills, networking skills, professionalism, financial literacy, and entrepreneurial habits that foster the adaptable mindset they need to thrive in future careers.

What Our Participants Are Saying

Don’t just listen to us. Listen to those who have the most to say.

This program changed my life. I couldn't believe my eyes as what I've seen in this program. I'm glad I took a second chance to show people that I can make them proud. Thank you YB for letting me in for a second chance in my life.
Mindy Cuccia
QYB Graduate
What Youthbuild means to me is to never give up on what’s important and that’s education. Youthbuild has given me a second chance to become a better friend, a better mother, and also a better employee. Youthbuild taught meet to reach beyond the starts and stay optimistic. For all my future fellow students, always remember to stay focused, persistent, and determine through this course.
Yasmin Brumfield
Graduate & QYB Youth Policy Council President

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