45300 N. Baptist Rd.

Hammond, LA 70403

(225) 567-2350

Mon - Fri: 7:30-4:00


  1. Linda Stortz

    My son will be 16 in October. He wants to go to Youth Build. Is there a class after October 20?

    1. Crystal Pena

      We are currently enrolling for February 2024. Please have him submit an application.

  2. Tyriunna Campbell

    Hey are there any classes for me im 17 .

    1. Crystal Pena

      We are currently enrolling. Please call 225-567-2350 to start the enrollment process.

  3. Stacie van meter

    My name is stacie vanmeter I’m trying to get info on ur program for my son’s do they live on campus. What all do they need to bring who do they have to call.

    1. Crystal Pena

      They do not live on campus. Please give us a call at 225-567-2350 and we can provide you with additional information.

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